Welcome to the website of the historic John's Lane Church

St Augustine & St John's Church (John's Lane)
A warm Augustinian welcome from the heart of the Liberties.
Reg. Charity No: CHY 7182
+353 (0) 86 827 9504
Welcome to the website of the historic John's Lane Church
A warm Augustinian welcome from the heart of the Liberties.
Reg. Charity No: CHY 7182
+353 (0) 86 827 9504
Weekday and Weekend Masses
ALL documentation relating to Births and Marriages are ONLY available at St. Catherine's Parish Church in Meath Street (also served by Augustinians from this community)
Please click on the link below to watch our live stream of the St Rita Triduum.
Monday 20th May & Tuesday, 21st May
MASS 11.00am
Feastday - 22nd May
MASS 11.00am & 7.30pm
(including blessing of roses snd religious objects)
Preacher: Fr Joseph Davou OSA
Your support and contributions are always greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Bro. Stephen will make his Presbyterate Ordination on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Friday 11th February in St Augustine's, Drogheda. The presiding Prelate will be Bishop Emeritus Michael Campbell OSA
If you would like to watch the Ordination it will be available on Church Services, beginning at 2pm.
Bro Stephen's First Mass will also be broadcast from Drogheda, beginning at 1pm on Saturday 12th February.
Please join us for our annual Mother of Good Counsel Triduum from Friday 23rd April to Monday 26th April.
The Triduum will be celebrated each day at the 11.00 am Mass
If you would like to make any prayers requests then please email us at:
We look forward to celebrating this wonderful occasion with you, our faithful patrons.
We have chosen to fast
Not with ashes but with actions,
Not in sackcloth but in sharing
Not in thoughts but in deeds.
We have given up our abundance
to share our food with the hungry.
We will give up our comfort
to provide homes for the destitute.
We will give up our fashion
to see the naked clothed.
We will share where others hoard,
We will free where others oppress,
We will heal where others harm.
Then God’s light shall shine through us
And God’s healing will quickly appear.
God will guide us always,
God’s justice shall go before us
And we will find our joy in the Lord.
We will be like a well watered garden.
Together we will feast at God’s banquet table.
….imagine you are walking along Grafton Street mid-December,
…imagine its cold and you wrap your coat tightly around to protect against the whistling wind
…imagine the street is bustling with throngs of busy shoppers as music blares from every corner
…imagine the Christmas lights, sparkling bright like the North Star
…imagine carrying large bags, getting pushed and jostled as you walk along the busy street
…imagine you move from shop to shop worrying about what to buy and who to buy for
…imagine you go home feeling tired and weary after the noise and crowds of Brown Thomas
…imagine later that night, having a glass of wine in the warmth glow of the roaring fire
…imagine feeling scared when late at night you hear a knock on the door.
…imagine answering it, only to find a man and a pregnant woman before you.
…imagine the man says “Please, please help us…we have travelled a long way from the Middle East. My girlfriend is to give birth and we don’t know where else to go…please help us”
…imagine just as you are about to close the door you remember a famous story 2000 years old
…imagine letting the couple into your home, where the pregnant woman falls down in pain among all the gifts and presents you bought
…imagine that night, a baby boy in your bed
…imagine the Son of God born in your home
…imagine…if this story was true, what would YOU do???
Pádraig J. Daly was born in Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. He is an Augustinian friar, working in the Dublin Liberties.
He has published several collections of poetry, among them The Last Dreamers: New & Selected Poems (1999), The Other Sea (2003), Afterlife (2010) and God in Winter (2015). His translations include a selection from the Italian of Edoardo Sanguineti, Libretto (1999), which feature in The FSG Book of Twentieth-Century Italian Poetry, and Paolo Ruffilli's Joy and Mourning (reissued 2007), among others.
Daly comments: "I write poetry as a way of understanding, questioning and celebrating God and the world."
“Daly offers the most sustained attempt at serious religious poetry in Ireland and the distinct pleasure of the exquisite use of language.” — John F. Deane
To purchase any of his previous books please follow the link below:-
A Small Psalter
If you would like to order a copy please follow the link below.
Alternatively, you can contact Fr Padraig directly by email: japdaly@yahoo.co.uk
Meditate for Advent with the Augustinians. Receive a daily meditation in relation with the readings of the day.
The Augustinian charism is common life, living together in one mind and one heart intent upon God.
Meet our team of writers:
- Fr Paul Graham, OSA, Assistant General on the Augustinian Council for Northern Europe, including the Provinces of Ireland, England & Scotland, Poland, Germany, Austria and Slovakia
- Fr Ian Wilson, OSA, Parish Priest at Clare Priory, Suffolk
- Fr George Donaghy, OSA, member of the Clare Priory community
- Fr Anthony Zabbey, OSA, Prior at St Monica's, Hoxton
Fr Paddy O'Reilly, OSA (Prior)
Fr Padraig Daly, OSA,
Bishop Senan O'Donnell, OSA
Bro. Bernard Twomey, OSA
Fr Michael Mernagh, OSA
Fr Pat Gayer, OSA
Fr Kieran O'Mahony, OSA
Fr Paul O'Brien, OSA
Fr Paul O'Connor, OSA
Check out this great video of Johns Lane from Eugene Finn
https://www.augustinians.ie/ (Irish Province)
www.augustinianslimerick.com (Limerick)
www.meathstreetparish.ie (Meath Street)
www.staugustinescork.ie (Cork)
www.ballybodenparish.ie (Ballyboden)
https://www.facebook.com/osadrogheda/ (Drogheda)
www.augustinians.ie/galway (Galway)
www.goodcounselcollege.ie (New Ross)
http://www.thefriarydungarvan.ie/ (Dungarvan)
www.staugustines.ie (Dungarvan)
http://www.tarsus.ie/ (Bible Resources - Kieran O'Mahony, OSA)
Simply let us know your prayer intentions and we will remember them in our community prayers.
Email: paddyoreilly@augustinians.ie
John's Lane Church Dublin, Thomas Street, Dublin, Ireland
St Johns Lane Priory 94/95 Thomas Street Dublin 8 +353 86 8279504
Copyright © 2020 St John's Priory - All Rights Reserved.